The importance of rest

Nicola O'Donoghue
December 1, 2023
The importance of rest

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In the whirlwind of our daily lives, slowing down often feels like an indulgence, a luxury we can't afford. However, embracing self-care and stealing some quiet moments to recalibrate is crucial for building resilience and maintaining well-being.

It's about more than just slowing down; it's a deliberate act of replenishing your energy and internal reserves, enabling better decision-making, fostering a deeper connection with your intuition and opening you up to the joys in life.  

Find Rest in Various Forms

Resting is not a one-size-fits-all concept. It's not solely about early bedtime or a solid nine hours of sleep, although quality sleep is undeniably beneficial. It's also about understanding that rest can take many forms. It's the pause in your day, the moment of deep breathing, or a short walk. Switching off your phone, connecting with nature, or engaging in a creative, calming activity can be equally restful.

Prioritise Self-Care

Often, especially for women, self-care takes a back seat to the needs of others. The responsibility for your well-being lies with you. Accepting this empowers you to redirect some care and attention towards yourself. Taking time for essential self-care, whether it's scheduling a dental appointment or managing work and life admin, is crucial.  

Create Space for Reflection

In our constant state of busyness, overwhelmed by life's demands, we can lose control. Creating space to reflect allows you to regain control and make decisions more intentionally. Life becomes more manageable, and navigating its ups and downs becomes less chaotic.

Slowing down and making time to recalibrate is not a luxury but a necessity for your mental and emotional well-being. By incorporating small moments of rest, prioritising self-care, and creating intentional space, you can navigate life with more resilience and a genuine passion for living.

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